Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Competition December 2021 Finalists


Finalists of Images of Asia Monthly Competition December 2021

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom: “Catch of the Year”; “Dream Catcher” by Dr Sean Lim Choon Hean [Malaysia]; “Solo Egret”; “Fisherman” by Chen Han Qi  [Singapore]
The ASIAN Geographic’s Images of Asia (IOA) 2021 photography competition exhibits the work of photographers from all across Asia. We have received stunning photos across the various categories and here are the winners and finalists for December 2021!
Landscape Category

Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Landscape Category December 2021 Finalist, taken in Penang, Malaysia by Dr Sean Lim Choon Hean from Malaysia, captioned, “Catch of the Year”

Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Landscape Category December 2021 Finalist, taken in Straits of Johor, Singapore by Chen Han Qi from Singapore, captioned, “Fisherman”

Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Landscape Category December 2021 Finalist, taken in Penang, Malaysia by Dr Sean Lim Choon Hean from Malaysia, captioned, “Dream Catcher”

Black + White Category

Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Black+White Category December 2021 Finalist, taken in Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore by Chen Han Qi from Singapore, captioned, “Solo Egret”

Congratulations once again to Chen Han QiGraeme Guy, and Dr Sean Lim Choon Hean for being the Images of Asia (IOA) Monthly Finalists for December 2021!

Follow Asian Geographic’s Instagram for the latest updates.

Love shooting photos of the diverse and beautiful Asia? Submit your entries today! More details of Images of Asia Monthly here.


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