An Invisible Disease

Malaria is pervasive in Asia-Pacific, yet its invisibility means that people are not aware of the scale of the problem.

How Minimalism Can Help You Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

By Katreena Sarmiento Nowadays, people are increasingly adopting a minimalist style to get their lives in order. There's a wide variety of content being published...

Next on the Menu

Grubs and other insects could offer a healthier and more sustainable food choice in the future.

The Healing Power of Bathing

There’s a story in the Nihon-shoki, the 1,300-year-old annal of Japanese history and legend, that at DÕgo, in what is now the city of...
HIV in Nepal

The Last Frontier

Nepalese migrant workers are most at risk of contracting HIV. Without proper screening and information, this poses a worrying threat for the rest of the population.

6 Herbs to Look out for in a Herbal Tea Blend

Rose tea, a beverage known for its soothing properties Teas in numerous flavours are available all over the world, each possessing their own advantageous health...

China’s Attempt at Mitigating Plastic Waste

Text: Sitaraah Joshi Imagine looking over an endless sea of overcrowded, cluttered waste. Such is the plight of the heaps of rubbish that have been...
Chinese beauty, Historical cosmetics

Asia’s Age-Old Beauty Trends

Across Asia, women throughout the ages have decorated their faces in pursuit of specific beauty ideals