Suspended in Time: A Life of Devotion

Text & Photos  by Angelia Tan It’s an old island here in Koh Samui. Situated on the east coast of Thailand, the history told takes...

The Wheel of the Year: Celebrating the Seasons

(text: Iris Toister and Reverand Alon Kobets) NATURE religions, pre-dating Christianity, visualised the year as a wheel with eight spokes. Each spoke is a major...

The Boatbuilders of Tanah Beru: Keeping Seafaring Traditions Alive

(Text by Khong Swee Lin. Photos by Carl-Bernd Kaelig) WORKING round the clock, stevedores trot up and down narrow gangplanks propped between port and deck,...

First People of the Arctic

Thousands of years have shaped the lives of the original peoples of the Arctic, true explorers and survivors of one of the world’s most...

Reflections: Synchronous Sliding

ASIA The Indian classical musical tradition has its roots in the Vedas, scriptures of the Hindu tradition thousands of years old that can be classified...

Reaching For The Stars: Astronomer Kings

WHAT do you give the man who has everything? How about the heavens? Not content with their earthly domains, kings have often looked to the stars for confirmation of their divine right to rule, and indications of what the future might bring. Their patronage and personal interest in astronomy has driven forward our understanding not only of our own Solar System but also of the planets beyond.

The Scourge of the Steppe

WITH an exasperated sigh I set down my notebook on the edge of the table and look out over the Turkish countryside. I have...

What’s for Tea, Darjeeling?

India is the largest consumer of tea and its second-largest producer in the world. We take a closer look at one of its most well-loved varieties, the Darjeeling.