Earth, Space Exploration, Astronauts, Satellite, Space Station

3 of Asia’s Latest Forays into Space

Asia is conquering the final frontier, one launch at a time. Here are some of its most recent achievements in space

International Polar Bear Day: Meet the Snow Giants

Today, on International Polar Bear Day, we celebrate the majestic snow giant and its charming characteristics. 
Rainforest medicine

Uncharted Territories

Asia's rainforests contain a treasure trove of medical treatments waiting to be discovered. But who knows where the next life-giving discovery will be made?

What’s That in the Photo?

AT FIRST GLANCE, all it looks like is a patch of light shining upon a staircase. However, upon closer inspection, one begins to discern...

Payphones Through the Years

With the advent of mobile phones, public payphones have fallen by the wayside. We take a look back at how they have evolved with...

The Lungs of the Earth

The oceans are crucial to regulating climate and act as “the lungs of the Earth”, with algae and cyanobacteria in seawater providing up to 80 percent of the atmospheric oxygen which we rely on to breathe. The oceans also house over 230,000 marine species, with estimates that there are between one and 10 million species still undiscovered. Alongside their own intrinsic value, many of these marine species provide important goods and services. Collectively, ocean-related services and business are estimated to contribute over USD500 billion to the world’s economy.

Putting a Finger on Absent Prints

by Eli Sprecher and Viva Sarah Press Photos by Eli Sprecher Et AL Imagine getting to immigration and struggling to enter a country, not because you...
Blood letting , Ancient remedies, Medieval Europe

Ancient Remedies: East vs West

Leeches, lobotomies and magic mercury potions: the earliest medicines from both ends of the globe